(No Subject)

As you may have noticed I added a search function to my blog. I decided to do this when I didn't want to actually take the time to click though to find what my summer goals were. The function is very quick and dirty, but it gets the basic job done, and works for most things. I may improve on it later.

Anyway. Today, I actually ate breakfast before going to school. Work was really boring with not much to do, so the last 20 minutes of work I worked on uploading administration system to the ag server so I can have the administrator add the scholarships. That way, she can review the wording and everything for each. She knows these scholarships better than anyone. After work Colin and I went to Wendy's. I had tried to call Gaila to see if she was going to join us, but she wasn't home and I didn't leave a message. While Colin and I were waiting in line to order, Gaila walks into the restaurant to our amazement that she somehow knew we were there. Aparently, though, her sister was selling sweet corn at the gas station near by and she just dropped in to grab a quick sandwich for her.

After dinner, Colin and I continued on to watch Hero. I really liked the movie. It was subtitled, but you had to read the dialog to understand it. The special effects where pretty cool, and the story was really good. I give it a B+. I might have to see it again to fully understand the story.

As, I mentioned before, I need to review the summer goals I stated here.
  • Get good grade in Stat 226 - Got a C+ (not quite good enough)
  • Learn basic Cocoa programming - nope :-(
  • Improve on my blog program you are using now - Yeah, a lot
  • Catch up with Stargate series - that and West Wing
  • Create a budget for the next year that includes getting an apartment near campus - I have an excel scenario sheet and resources for managing my money. Need to use it.

Fall Goals
  • Keep a GPA > 2.5 and get B or better in Econ 101
  • Meet some new friends (a female companion would be cool, but please don't assist me in this, unless it's non-embarrassing encouragement, I am human you know)
  • Apartment, need I say more?
  • Learn an objective programming language

These seem like attainable goals.

I'm going to watch some more West Wing. I've only got the last half of the last season left.
