Happy Thanksgiving

Yeah, so it has been a while since I've updated my blog again. Things have been going great. I forget what exactly I did on Monday and Tuesday at work. I know that I got the Plant Science people squared away with their computers, and I got the recipe thing done. I didn't realize it was to be in memory of Cindy Hansen, one of our administrative assistants we lost a few weeks ago. I only really spent 3 or 4 hours straight on this project. All I remember from work this week is that it was a long two days.

Break didn't really start until Monday evening when Gaila came by. We hung out in my basement watching a couple of DVDs. Tuesday, we went to see the Incredibles then back to my place to watch more DVDs. Wednesday, we were planning on going ice skating, but they close too early for when we wanted to get up. We ended up watching more movies until her mom came to take her down to the family gathering in Ottumwa. Later that night I went over to Adrienne's with Colin to watch some movies.

Today has been a lazy day. I made french toast and eggs, dad made the bacon for breakfast. I Worked on holiday shopping for my 'rents, at their request, via apple.com and amazon.com. It's not fun when I actually order the gifts I will receive. Though, shopping has reminded me of some other stuff that I would like, and thus my wishlist entry has been updated.

We didn't do anything with the extended family this year. Between dad's detached retina (Sorry, I didn't mention that earlier. I had to take him to Des Moines Sunday morning at 8:00 AM for surgery to fix it, he's doing ok, but has to take it easy), and mom not really in the mood for travel, we decided that it would be best just for use to do our own thing. I liked it. It was relaxing.

It doesn't feel like it's past 11:00. I'm going to watch West Wing now. I hope you have/had a nice holiday.