The first of many long days to come

So, today was my birthday. There was very little celebration going on, and much work, studies and being tired. 8 am class to review for the History Final. I misread the requirements for the paper, it read 10 to 15 pages, but has been laxed to 5 to 10 pages, so that really helped out with my concern. They still require one primary source.

Work was long. I was tired most of the time, and ended up working on getting the 2005 FilmFestival site ready for people to visit via our ad that is supposed to run tomorrow in the Daily. I also worked on an old OS 9 PowerBook trying to get a third party wireless card to work. I also had to field a few phone calls.

When I got home, I waited a while for dad to get home and they gave me some gifts. I got my iTrip and FireWire cable (works great!). I also got a nice sweater I think I will like for a while, and a new office chair. The office chair was not on my list, but it was something that I had been complaining about a lot lately, as mine is a piece of junk.

We then went to Cafe NorthWest for some steak. I had a couple of glasses of wine and they gave me a cheese cake with a birthday candle in it. We've been there for a lot of birthdays for the family, but I think this must have been the first time they actually did something about it.

When we got back, I talked to my cousin Jody (her birthday was yesterday) then went to work on my Accounting homework that was due tonight. While doing my homework, I got a call from my bro wishing me a happy birthday and we also discussed what we might be doing while I'm in New York.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who wished me a happy birthday. Thanks for your post Adrienne, perhaps Friday would be a better day to go out and have fun. Anyone up for seeing Mission Improvable on Friday at 9 in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union? Thanks for the eCards Gaila and Mel. Thanks for the physical card Meri. Also, thanks for the teddy Gaila.

Anyway, I'm really tired now, so I think I'm going to go in early. Good night.