Great Weekend

Ahhh. As soon as I finished my paper and handed it in, I called Gaila to let her know that I was coming. We ended up spending the entire weekend together relaxing, putting up Christmas lights, hanging out, seeing her father in Boone. It was the best weekend I have had in a very long time. :-)

I still haven't started my Christmas shopping. I barely have any ideas for what to get people. With finals and spending time with Gaila and leaving on Wednesday, the holiday shopping has been and will be a challenge.

At work, I'm finally getting around to playing with Tiger. I also have to clean up my desk as I have been neglecting it for several weeks now. I also have a bunch of books from writing my paper that I should take back to the library. Grades are due out while I'm in the air. Perhaps I can check them while I'm in layover in Minnesota.

Oh yeah, in case I didn't mention it earlier, I'm going out to see my brother Auburn, NY. Here is my itinerary:

Out Trip 12-22-04:
Leave Des Moines 4:05 PM
Arrive Minnesota 5:10 PM
Leave Minnesota 6:52 PM
Arrive Syracuse 10:12 PM

Return Trip 12-28-04:
Leave Syracuse 9:30 AM
Arrive Detroit 10:40 AM
Leave Detroit 12:10 PM
Arrive Des Moines 1:02 PM

I hope everyone has had a good weekend and are enjoying their break.