Pleasant, Disconnected, Weekend to Come

Gaila is on her way back to Iowa. Finally we will be able to spend some time together this break. Okay, yeah, we were pretty much inseparable between the time I got off work the Friday of finals week and when I left for New York, but the idea of a break was to be together. We both had these plans and flight tickets long before we hooked up, so I guess such is life.

I called Apple this morning about my white spots, finally. I really should have done it earlier in the week. The box for me to ship my PowerBook out should arrive either tomorrow or Saturday. They said it would take 7 to 10 days, so I guess I'll be without a computer for the first week of school. I probably won't be missing it this weekend though since there will be other, more important, things worthy of my time. I'm also getting a new power adaptor because the light on it flickers. All free of charge.

Tonight, I'm going to backup my computer and image it onto another machine. I'll get started on that as soon as I submit this entry. Then, I'm going down to the Apple store to get some money back for the price drop in the displays. After I get my money I will pick-up Gaila at the airport.

I've got my fall schedule figured out. It's getting posted here and on my school page. I already got my syllabus for Speech. It turns out I will be using that clicker system from MIS 330 last summer that I really hated. I hope I don't have to purchase the service again.

Anyway off to taking care of things. Later.
Spring 2004 Schedule