Welcome Back

Yeah. I'm finally done, for the most part, with rebuilding my computer. Between class, work, and organizing for class, I really haven't had too much time to be working on it. I have to say, that starting with a fresh install of OS X really makes my computer seem a lot more responsive. Also, all the screen space on this 20" Cinema Display is really nice. So that's what is new with my computer. :)

So, what has been going on lately? Thursday evening, I went to the Apple Store to get my price difference refund of $280, then went to the airport to pick up Gaila. I have to say that was the shortest time I have or probably will spend in that mall or store. The rest of the time until Sunday was spent hanging out with Gaila. We shot some pool and went bowling at the Union, and saw After the Sunset at the North Grand cinema. Good movie, B.

Macworld was Tuesday. Apple cancelled the stream and the satellite downlink for the keynote, so nobody got to watch the event as it happened :(. The best things of note from the keynote is the release of the iPod Shuffle and the Mac mini. The new iPod is a flash memory based iPod and the Mac mini is a $500 headless Mac, and really small. Check out the links. They also released iWork which is comprised of Keynote and a new document layout program called Pages. Hehe, as I was cleaning out files I found this article about how Apple would not introduce a headless Mac back in September.

Today Colin and I went to a FUG SIGBAP at the Stomping Grounds on Welch. Met a new guy on campus who is starting this semester and knew Colin from IHCC. We then went to church. It has been a while since I've been there. I found a new, familiar face in the group. She was familiar because she was on our bus trip to the Apple Store. She decided to join our group from St. Thomas in order to help her understand the differences and the reasons behind the different churches and their rules and traditions.

Anyway, I shouldn't be spending too much time here. I've got school stuff and MUG stuff to take care of now. I hope everyone had an enjoyable break and are looking for a good semester.