So much fun stuff

Well, last weekend was nice to see Meridith. The concert was pretty cool and entertaining. On the way back Sunday, it had just started to snow in Manson, and was slick. Though, once we got to Fort Dodge, the weather turned to rain. Gaila, on the other hand, had to drudge though the whole storm. Thankfully, she made it back unharmed.

Today was a normal Monday, except for the snow and stuff, which sucks. Most of my time at work was spent tweaking things on the site here, and trying to figure out some things that have been going wrong. If you didn't notice, my server kernel panicked on Sunday, when I needed to stop by and reboot it. So far, I'm not liking Red Hat too much, but there are some good things, like added support, package management, and administrative options.

At 8:00 I went to a lecture at the Union for extra credit in Marketing and Speech. I had this in my planner for a while because the presenter was the instructor I had for Psych 280 a while ago, so I figure the subject wouldn't be too boring or difficult. Turns out, I already been presented the same information by the same guy almost a year ago, so yeah. I though it would be just a normal lecture, but it got some publicity in the Daily, and the hundreds of hundreds of Psych 280 students showed up for research credit, so the place was packed.The Mistaken Eyewitness.

While looking around the ISU Lectures web site, I found that Rob Corddry will at Stepehens on Thursday night. Rob is of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart fame and will be signing people's copies of America (The Book).

Friday, I am looking forward to seeing Gaila for a V-Day / Acoustic Coffee House visit to Yankton. It is really cool to be able to hang out with her all these consecutive weekends.

Anyway, I should be winding down for bed, so everyone take care.