Long Wednesday

Yesterday I found myself being productive, for the most part, at work. I fixed a couple problems, installed some AV software, plugged in a computer that was difficult to figure out how to wire around the desk. After work, Adrienne invited me to Cazador for dinner with a bunch of church people. After that, I met up with Colin and DeeJoe at Mol. Biol. for FUG. There was confusion as to where the meeting was going to be held, so some people showed up at the Stomping Grounds. After FUG was Ash Wednesday service. Then off to home to watch the 1 hour episode of SG-1.

Today I am finally getting around to installing Tiger. I went to Bali Satay with Tom for lunch and saw Gila's mom there. On the way back I picked up a copy of America (The Book) at the bookstore so that I can get it signed tonight by Rob Corddry.

Tomorrow, I will probably be heading up to South Dakota to see Gaila. So my weekend will start with a 4 hour drive starting at 4 PM Friday. I hope she will be feeling better by tomorrow so that 1. we can enjoy each other's company, and 2. I won't catch it.

Anyway, I should do something productive.