Busy Week

Well, this week has been pretty busy.

Tuesday I had a dental checkup. I will have to go back on the 1st to take care of some decay that was barely visible on the x-ray. Though they did complement me on how clean my teeth were, which surprised me since I didn't brush between lunch and the appointment.

Wednesday was a normal Wednesday. After work I helped Sheng assemble hundreds of table tents for the dining halls and the Union. FUG, church. Lots of new people at church. Colin was sick so we didn't get to hang out.

Thursday was lots of fun. I was at towers by 7:00 AM to put out table tents. Sheng took care of the other dining halls. I actually had breakfast since I was out and about so early. It was really weird not being hungry and actually being awake during econ. I got a lot of work done on a survey building app in PHP that I'm working with Chris on. Deadline for that is today. I saw Stan Ethington at lunch and we discussed a few things about film festival and campus promotions. MUG was lots of fun. Brandon (Vice President) demonstrated iPod Linux. Disassembled an old iPod. We then got tracked into demoing some cool freeware and shareware apps. Brandon brought up Sogudi, a Safari plugin that allows you to do different search queries via the address bar, very useful. He also showed us PithHelmet, an ad-blocking plugin. I have to say that these two tools made me switch from using Camino to using Safari as my primary web browser. Sorry Camino, you have a very good product.

Today, I already had a test in Marketing. I have another test in Speech that I should study for quickly before I go. I also have to finish that survey thing I mentioned earlier and finish building someone's computer.

When all is done, Gaila will be in town again :). We don't have plans, but we will enjoy each other's company.

Over the week, I polished up my resume (not posted here yet), and got 9 free iTunes songs from Mt. Dew. I still have to kick my dad to make sure we get taxes and FAFSA done REAL SOON! I also need to talk to Colin about what he might like for an apartment if we become roommates. I also should be inquiring about apartments. I also found that a headlight on my car went out, so I have to fix that before I get pulled over for it. Plus, I should probably find the time to get the car a thorough look-over and some other odds and ends fixed. Perhaps, next week, if I have the money, I will take it in for a tune up. It has been about 5 years since it has been seriously looked over. Next week, I will be converting from Eudora to Apple's Mail.app so that I can conceivably convince Tom that Mail would be so much better to support (I have a hunch it will be, especially with Kerberos support here on campus). My brother got a new iBook. I should probably set up a time with him when he has access to broadband to help him out with that via remote desktop. It would be interesting controlling his computer from 1,000 miles away :D.

I should be getting work done.