Weekends are Good

Well, Gaila showed up at work around 6ish Friday night. We rented a couple movies via Wendy's. We spend most of the weekend hanging out watching movies, playing with Legos, playing pool at the MU. We rented some very good movies, all of which I recommend seeing. The first one we watched was Friday Night Lights. It was a typical everything high school football game type movie, but the ending had a very good, unexpected twist to the genre of the movie. Saturday we watched Saved!. It's about a very Christian high school where the characters have to deal with some very challenging problems, in a way that really makes fun of the super evangelistic Christians. Very entertaining and thought provoking. The last movie we saw was Eternial Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. This movie was really messed up, visually stunning and pretty though provoking. It was very easy to loose yourself in it, and being a Jim Carry movie, it was really good.

Today, Gaila had the day off from school because of President's day (lucky her). We managed to do lunch and dinner today. We went to the new Battle's BBQ location on Welch. The food was just as good, and the place was just as packed. The size of the place is just about 2 to 3 times larger than their old location, and they still had some trouble keeping up with table demand. For dinner we had a satisfying buffet at Valentino's.

We won't see each other again for two week. We have been together for 4 weekend in a row, which is amazing since she goes to school four hours away. Next week we will not be seeing each other :(. She will be back the following weekend for her spring break (the week before ISU spring break :-( ). That weekend there is also a play going on down at Simpson.

I finally got a time to get FAFSA stuff done with dad. We are going to get it done on the 28th. This is really cutting close for deadlines with scholarships (if any of the college of business scholarships go though) and financial aid.

Speaking of money, the 'rents just bought a new camper. We won't see it until mid-April, but that was something that I really wasn't expecting they were going to do.

Anyway, I should be getting to bed. I totally forgot that MUG was supposed to be putting out sandwich boards in front of Design and the Library this morning, so I have to get in at 8:00 am to get posters printed, attached to the boards, and distributed to the locations, before my 9:30 am class. I also need to be ready for career fair this week, as well as start looking for apartments. Good night.