So much to do, So little sleep.

This time has just been flying so fast. Have you ever noticed that when you have a million things that need to get done, time will go by so fast?

It's Wednesday already. Monday I had lunch with my dad to sign tax forms and get information for filing FAFSA. Right after lunch I attended an open form on the new student organization policy. That night I introduced my parents to audio chat via Rendezvous and remote desktopping. We ended up working on FAFAS with me in the basement and my dad in the office upstairs. I have to say it was very productive, especially with audio chat going at the same time.

Tuesday I had my dental appointment to take care of some decay (yeah!, [/sarcasm]). The appointment went pretty quick. I was out in about 30 minutes and a numb lip until about 5:00.

Work this week has been all about the scholarships. Closing the applications and dumping the MySQL data into FileMaker. FileMaker really needs to make the text file import feature easier and more productive to use. Moving around over 100 fields with a mouse for an hour straight is mind numbing.

Tonight, Colin is giving a Cocoa Workshop for MUG. I grabbed a video projector for it. Tomorrow is a big meeting for MUG. We will be having pizza and pop, as well as CDs with freeware and shareware to burn. Friday I have a 6 minute speech that I haven't even started working on that is worth a good part of my grade.

I can't wait for the weekend to be able to see Gaila. Saturday we will be heading down to Simpson with Nerdig to see Man of Mode. Next week is Gaila's spring break, so she will be around to distract me from my mid-terms* (not that it's a bad thing ;) ).

Oh, I almost forgot. I found this nice article about why Mac OS X can be very productive, from the point of view of an old school unix administrator turned convert.

Anyway, I've got class now.

*EDIT: Changed finals to mid-terms. I don't know what I was thinking.