So busy

Well, it doesn't seem like it has been almost a week since I've written here. I've been so busy, that everything seems like the same day. This is about the first time in a while I've had time to sit down and write here. I guess I'll go through what happened throughout the week.

Monday: Take in Film Festival entries, I ordered a DVD burner last week and it arrived - Haven't had enough time so far to open and use it.

Tuesday: Econ quiz, Finance Test, RAID working, Stayed up 'til 3:00 AM finishing up my speech.

Wednesday: Marketing Test, Give speech. I forget what else happened that day, but I'm sure it was important and took time, FUG, Church.

Thursday: Round up information about running another Ad in the Daily, AmesMUG meeting (tote the IIGS to Howe), discuss LANFEST, stay up until 4:00 working on late Philosophy paper.

Friday: Submit Ad to Daily, Lunch at AppleBees with old coworker, late to speech class because of lunch, Hand in Phil Paper, Arrange for information from UBS about equipment purchases for LANFEST, Arrange information for room and catering in Union, talk to Gaila (we forget weather it was Monday or Tuesday since we last talked, her internet (MSN) has been down all week :(), Nap (15 mins), Go to Des Moines with huge church gang to Hessen Haus.

Saturday: Create judging DVD for Film Festival, pick Nerdig up for One Acts, Watch One Acts, hang out for reception, hang out at Mel's place until midnight.

Sunday: Sleep for 14 hours, get up and laze around (very much so needed), Write in blog and prepare for Monday.

Now stuff that needs to be done.

Monday: Determine Information about venue, get price quotes from bookstore, Judge Film Festival.

Tuesday: Nail down venue for LANFEST, create Film Festival DVD, meeting with other student orgs about LANFEST, Finalize budget.

Wednesday: Submit budget for approval, see if modification is needed. Prepare and pull off Film Festival Presentation. Church if I have time.

I just feel so busy. I know there are a lot of things that I'm leaving out, such as finding an apartment, parent's birthdays, class scheduling. Too much going on. I know once dead week comes around, I will, indeed, be dead.

Anyway, back to work.