Mon, 2004-04-26 02:22 — jrearick
I'm watching the History Channel right now while organizing myself for a week full of studying. They have been doing programs all day about extra terrestrials. The program that is on now is something about the Bible. They tend to say that anything that could not be explained happened because of aliens. Ok, the name of the program is "UFOs in the Bible". I just thought that it was an interesting view.
Yesterday, I went bowling with the ULC gang. It was nice to get out and do something before everyone hunkers down for finals and leaves town at the end of the semester. I haven't been bowling for a while, and my score really shows it. I really don't care, it was still fun. I got one strike in the two games played. My comment on strikes is that they are no fun because you don't get to go up and throw the ball down the lane again.
I am going to try to dedicate this coming week and a lot of next week to studying. I really need to study a lot in Soc, as that is my worst performing class. Then I need to take a look at Acct 215. I must schedule time in my Palm to sit down and study certain subjects to make my studying more efficient. Meri mentioned that it would be cool to set up a study group so we can study while hanging out with friends. I am all up for that. Since it is dead week, there are no activities going on. With the exception of a chance meeting of friends who also happen to be the officers for some particular club on Tuesday night and ULC Wednesday, I will try to be studying.
I have a sleep pattern to establish, so good night and good luck.