Interesting Finds

While messing around with a computer over remote desktop, I found that you can access information about an OS X computer from the login screen. Useful information like: hostname (default), serial number, network logins, date and time, and IP Address are accessable by clicking on the hostname below the OS X logo.

os x login screen

Also, while opening the Matrix Diagrammer in Oracle Designer for my project in 432 I came across this startling error. I wasn't doing anything to configure preferences or even opening a diagram, I was just opening the program that deals with Matrix Diagrams.

Failed to update the system registry.  Please try using REGEDIT.

First of all, I have no clue why it needed to be doing anything with the registry, and second of all why does an error message tell me to use REGEDIT to manually edit the registry. I have no clue what it was supposed to do in the registry much less how I was supposed to do it manually. Another thing to add to my hate of Oracle.