So, Colin and I did this before for WWDC, and he has posted his predictions for Macworld. I figure I should post my own.
8 Core Mac Pro
When I first heard the rumor, I kind of fell in a drool fit. However, Colin makes a very good point about not being able to max out the system. For 99% of the work Mac Pros will be doing, it is overkill. The best way I can see an 8 Core computer is in the server environment, in which case, it would be introduced into the xServes. The only thing I can think of doing with an 8 core Mac Pro is to run several operating systems at once in Parallels while doing some HD video editing and encoding while playing the newest graphics intensive video game.
25% Chance 8-core
60% Chance of a minor revision to the Mac Pro line (at which I will immediately buy one with my Developer Discount)
Cinema Displays
I can see them embedding an iSight into new displays. I don't really know what else they could do to improve the displays except lower the prices.
60% Chance of revision
75% Chance of price decrease
Hmmm, this is a hard one to predict. There is so much speculation. My guess would be that they will not be shipping the iPhone soon. They may announce it, kind of like what they did with the "iTV". but they will not ship it. If they do annoounce it, I would think it would be out for the holiday shopping season 2007. My thinking is that Apple has not gotten too much into negotiating with carriers. If the phone was to be released to the market soon, I doubt the cell phone companies would have been able to keep the secret under wraps very well.
5% Chance shipping soon
20% Chance it is announced and shipping 3rd or 4th quarter 2007
70% Chance it is not announced at all
90% Chance Steve will make a joke about it.
iLife / iWork 07
Very likely. iLife updates are pretty much common place at Macworld. Sheets in iWork suite plus version bumping for the rest of the apps.
90% Chance seeing updates to iLife/iWork
I don't believe there will be any iPod updates. They seem to be done on their own schedule and may overshadow media coverage of other announcements at Macworld.
30% Chance of any sort of new iPods
Steve will announce the brand name for the iTV. Updates on features and perhaps a ship date. I expect DVR capabilities and a Blue-Ray Drive (If this is true, I might considering buying one at the price point announced).
85% Chance of mentioning and some sort of feature updates
60% Chance of announced ship date
Announcement of "Top Secret" features mentioned at WWDC. I have no clue what the features will be and nobody is really speculating about them. Ship date will be announced, hopefully before my Developer membership expires.
20% Chance of Shipping
80% Chance of disclosure of "Top Secret" features
So, there are my predictions. We'll see what happens on Tuesday. I don't have class, so I can be watching the sites during the keynote - yay!