(No Subject)

Did anyone feel that? I know I didn't. I was up at the time as well.

Yesterday was some lawn work and grilling brats :D. Today, I got into work at 7:30 to continue work on a replacement computer for one of the computers whos HD died on Friday.

Eagerly awaiting news from WWDC. Apparently there is no stream either. :(

EDIT: Keynote is over and there are quite a few things that I'm drooling over. I believe there was even mention of an iSync API for you colin :D If I interpret that correctly that means you can sync calendar evens from ATX to go directly to someone's iCal and from there Palm or other reminder devices. Also the Konfabulator rip-off Dashboard has caught my attention. Before Konfabulator was always there. WIth Dashboard, the widgets are a hot-key away, and are not always in your way. xCode 2 has a new diagramming feature that is integrated with your coding. iChat allows up to 10 audio chat participants or 3 video conference chats. The sad thing about this stuff is that most of it won't be available until next year. apple.com