Fri, 2004-07-09 12:48 — jrearick
Already shaping up too be a nice day today [/sarcasm]. I am almost positive I failed my final today. Very little of the studying I did actually helped. This is why I don't like to study. I hate math with a passion. The only way to do well in a math related course is to work on lots of problems. Since I hate math, I don't like to work on lots of problems. I see no point to them. I can't feel too bad about my test though. In the time allotted only perhaps 5 out of the 50 people there actually finished. We were even given an extra 10 minutes. I really hope that the test is graded on a curve and that curve will come out a lot in my favor. It's terrible that this final is close to 50% of the grade. A new section of stat has opened up for the fall. Perhaps I should grab a seat just in case. Nevermind, stat is closed again :-(
Also, I realized that I have advised (computer wise) one of the authors of my text book. Dr. William Duckworth. He is active on the MUG's mailing list. I always find it interesting that I can help someone who has a Dr. in front of their name. I have to remember that even for astrophysicists things can be hard.
Both my co-workers are gone today. I'm here at work all by myself and it's raining out. I also have a headache, and my stomach doesn't feel the greatest. I figure it's because of the stress I have been under the last few days. I've got to spend $130 on textbooks for MIS 330 today as well.
Hopefully I can relax this weekend. Stargate SG-1 starts tonight. 2 hour premier. I think I'll check that out unless someone wants to go out and do something.