(No Subject)

Wednesday was another day at work and at school. Yippie. Next week we need to make a list for things that need to go to the ISU warehouse and move stuff to 301. Next week Tom will be on vacation following Clapton in the twin cities and C.B. My goal will be to get things cleaned up and organized around here when he's gone. I also got my hands on my Tom's old duel 1 Ghz G4. It has a few problems, like wanting to kernel panic and restart when it feels like it. I'm going to suggest taking it into AIT Service on Friday.

Church was nice. I got there early because I gave myself a good margin of error for the bus schedule (I'm taking the bus a lot more now). When I got there I found that the building was locked, and I had to wait outside with the people who made the food until Ben came a little before 6:00. The food was awesome, and I LOVE garlic bread. It seemed like a long time since I went to Wednesday service since the past 7 days has been so busy.

Tonight I will be going to the municipal concert with Colin, Adrienne, and Katherine. Since Nerdig doesn't have to work tonight, I think we are going to hang out after the concert. I will also be helping Adrienne move in two weeks. I know of at least one other person who is helping.

Some of us have been wondering what's going on with Meri lately. I had the idea that she was going to be back from AZ Wednesday morning, but I haven't heard from her. Perhaps a call after dinner. We want to know what's going on!

I should be getting home to get something to eat before I have to leave for the concert.
