
(No Subject)

Sunday, I watched some more West Wing (as well as on Monday). Our group for MIS met at the MU commons that evening to finish the project. The boy scouts practically owned the Student Union. They had the NW Study lounge and they kicked us out of the commons at 6:00. We got our project done, and it's going to be handed in here in about an hour.

I still need to call the bank again about my missing $20 from the ATM. I didn't have time during the day to call them yesterday so I should make the time to do it today. I WANT MY MONEY BACK!

I'm moving someone over to a new computer today. The person has 26 gigs of mp3s. It's taking quite a bit longer to get this one done that it has been for other computers just because of the massive amount of user data. This afternoon (and the rest of the week) we will be moving our offices to the main floor. Saturday will be server move day and finishing the move. We still have a conference room full of junk that needs to be taken by inventory control destined for the Wednesday warehouse. By the way, if you are looking for some ADC monitors, they will be in this shipment to the warehouse. We don't have a use for them. They can only work with a few Macs, but those Macs also have VGA so it's kind of pointless. I'm keeping the LCD ACD displays around though. Also, you might find a Blue and White that has been upgraded to a G4 in that shipment. Giving some heads up for the goodie hunters out there.

Tonight is Katherine's 21st birthday. A bunch of us are going out to eat, and then (for those of us over 21) to Welch. Most of my friends are not the drinking type, neither am I, nor do I really think Katherine is. Though, I could see myself going with friends every now and then.

Have fun, don't get in too much trouble.

(No Subject)

I really don't want to spend much time on my computer today. So, this is going to be short.

During the time of our group meeting for MIS 330 we decided that our instructor doesn't know the material he is teaching, thus making it more difficult for us. We will probably meet again on Sunday after 5:00 or so. We got done at 4:00 working 3 hours straight learning some crazy Excel stuff on the way.

Watched a lot of West Wing. It is a very good series and I recommend it to anyone who likes trying to understand complex things and are not extremely conservative.

Didn't get out to do anything like I kind of wanted to, but I got too involved in watching the West Wing to do anything about it. Adrienne called me to see if I wanted to get something to eat, but she called just as I was eating the last few bites of my dinner. Sorry :-(


(No Subject)

Another day of moving stuff at work today, so I didn't get much done with the scholarships stuff that I really wanted to do. I had my advising appointment and it turns out that I barely didn't make the cut to get into MIS, but I have been place in the undeclared business major for right now so I can continue on taking the higher level business courses. I'm going to retake Econ 101. I got a C in that class without even trying so I would think that I just need to put a little effort into it and I can get a better grade. I've got my schedule figured out for the fall and I think I will post that sometime next week or just before school starts so that I can include my work schedule as well.

In class today (or was it yesterday and I forgot to mention) there were some gold nuggets of comedy. My instructor said that you can't be a Com S major without writing a virus (I have no clue where he got that from) and that macro viruses are a new thing (I have heard about macro viruses being popular way back in the days of the Mac classic, it's not a new thing). He also reffered to script kiddies ad script bunnies. I knew this guy didn't know much about security, just refer to this and this post.

When I got home today after work, I just took a nap in a chair for over an hour. I then woke up again hungry, but not wanting to do anything to satisfy my hunger. I grabbed my cell phone and ordered a pizza without getting out of my chair, then continued to nap until the food came. I love technology sometimes. I can order a pizza in a few seconds without even getting out of my chair, or get TP in emergencies ;-) .

I watched Stargate, got online and answered a few question on the forums and now I'm ready to take a much longer nap. Tomorrow I will be working on a group project so I don't know when I will be available. If you want to do something go ahead and give me a call perhaps after 5 or so.

Good Night.

(No Subject)

Wednesday was nice. I worked some more on the scholarship stuff and went to church. The food there was awesome. The guest pastor had a really good message about asking questions about faith. Why people don't like to ask questions, especially for those who believe. Very good.

After church Colin and I went to check out Adrienne's new apartment. She lured us there to help carry a few things in. The place is nice, one bedroom. After that, Colin and I hung out at UDCC. We listened to most of John Edward's speech at the DNC and I worked some more on scholarships.

Today has been a long day. At work we moved cubical partitions from 3rd floor Beardshire to 3rd floor Curtiss. That took most of the afternoon. Then, right after work I went to help Adrienne with her move, doing some more heavy lifting. After that, I took a shower, grabbed some Wendy's and went to the municipal concert with Adrienne, Colin, Nick, Maggie, and Katherine.

Tomorrow I have my advisor appointment, and I don't know what I'm doing Friday night. Today felt like Friday. If anyone wants to do anything, give me a call.

Good Night.

(No Subject)

Wow, it seems like I kicked myself out of the lazy, not wanting to do anything, feeling I had since Saturday. Perhaps that started yesterday after work. I got a hair cut, and washed the car (exterior only). Today, I decided to work on the scholarship system. I was so focused on it that I got a lot more done today than I expected to. I got the administrative login system going, the querying system for the scholarship listing and modification done, and I have perhaps an hour or so of actual work left on finishing the freshman portion. After that I can use it as a template for the undergraduate, transfer, and graduate systems. Most of the hard stuff has already been written the previous year. I am going back to add administrative features and clean up the code to be easier to read, and more standard, not to mention portable. Once again, baring unforeseen work, I think I will be able to get it done for Monday and present it to the administrator who is going to use the system. I really want to get this out of the way.

I've been watching a lot of West Wing lately. I have to say it is a very good series, especially without commercials and the ability to watch it one episode after another. I just bought my brother the 2nd season on DVD for his birthday, which is today.

Tomorrow is church. I look forward to seeing some of my friends there after being sort of isolated for a while. Thursday, I will be helping Adrienne move her big stuff to her new apartment then hopefully catching the muni concert. Saturday I will probably be working most of the day on our group project for MIS 330. It looks difficult, but I think we will be able to get though it.


(No Subject)

Wow, what a lazy weekend. I got to be around 12:00 Friday night, skipping the nap I wanted to take. I got up around 2:00 Saturday. Wow, I was tired. Went to get some groceries and get a gift for my brother who's birthday is this week. I attempted to get a hair cut, but found that the place closed before I got there. I saw Oceans 11 on TV. I forgot how good that movie was. The last time I saw it was in the theater with Mel. That was a long time ago.

Sunday, I slept in, mowed the lawn, and saw Ferris Bueller, uncut, un-edited, no commercials on TCM. It's so nice to watch a good classic without it being spoiled by commercials or having some of the words poorly edited out.

I have had little to no contact with my friends this weekend. I kind of felt like vegging out a little this weekend anyway, but I also wonder what everyone else is doing. Only Colin has updated his blog since Friday. Adrienne hasn't updated hers in a week, but I assume she is busy packing stuff away getting ready for Thursday. It's county fair time for Meri, so I can understand her being busy. I hope she is having fun.

Well, I guess I did see Nick today. He was getting on a bus at Lincoln way. Okay, it was a commercial for Cy-Ride, so that doesn't really count. By the way, Cy-Ride discriminates against ducks. What makes you people think a duck is not qualified to drive a bus huh? Crazy discriminating bus company >:-(      :-)

Anyway, it's past 1:00 and I have another week to get through.


(No Subject)

I did pretty well on my mid term considering I just took the wrapper off the book 15 minutes before the test. Class was only 1 hour today, but the subject was actually somewhat interesting and relevant. He talked about the development process and focused on having the client sign off and agree on what the IT person is supposed to do in the project. This is a really important step because the client will want to ask for changes to be made during development. Nothing annoys me more when I'm doing something for someone and they keep telling me that the need this feature and need to be able to do that all after we already had a plan for what was going to be done. It makes things so much harder.

I had to stop by the ATM today before getting lunch, since I spent money yesterday and forgot to replenish my wallet. When I took money from the ATM, it took $50 out of my account, but only gave me $30. I called the bank, and it sounds like I won't get that money back until sometime next week.

On my way back from the union I saw a Bush for president pin next to the sidewalk, but I did a double take to see that Quayle and 88 was also on the button. It was in very good condition. I picked it up. Check it out:
Bush Quayle Button

After lunch, my mom called talking about apartments. I really did not expect my mom to be helping me out on this. She had been calling around about prices and she wanted me to take the afternoon off (and leave Chris alone to clean out the office) to go look at a few apartments. I remember when she was all about keeping me in the basement and keeping me home. Now she even calls around and looks stuff up for me. Wow.

Later in the afternoon, Chris and I sorted and cleaned out the back room under the stairwell an the old conference room we have been using for storage in order to prepare for our move in the first week of August. That was a lot of fun.

By the time I got home after work, I was exhausted. I ordered a pizza, watched Rush Hour 2 on TV and now I'm thinking about heading off to bed. Tomorrow I may be apartment hunting, but if anyone wants to do something that evening, give me a call.

Good night.

(No Subject)

Good day today. The weather was nice, and there was no lecture in class today (just a midterm). Nobody needed anything at work. I got the replacement modem today, and tested it. I got Apple Remote Desktop 2.0 which has a lot more features that I have been looking for in remote administration software, but it crashed a lot. I'll have to look into that some more. Tomorrow is going to be a hard day since we really didn't work too much on cleaning out the office.

The concert was nice. Nick and Maggie showed up as well for dinner and Meri joined us for the concert. I haven't seen her for a while. I'm glad she was able to make it. Keeping yourself away from your friends for a long time can't be very good.

I'm very tired, been tired all week. I'm going to relax watching the 5th Element on TV then go to bed.


(No Subject)

Work today was really slow, thankfully. Still have a lot crap to get rid of and sorted out before Tom gets back.

Today, church was cool. LoL made the meal, and it was great. Brats and corn on the cobb. They even took care of setting up and clean up for us. That was really nice of them. Fritz was back, and I have to say that I missed his services. The way he presents ideas actually makes you think and helps you relate the moral of the story with your modern life today. Fritz is a good pastor. Afterwards, Colin and I hung out at UDCC. Tomorrow, Adrienne, Katherine, Colin, and I will see the municipal concert again, for the last time this year. Next week, Adrienne and I (and maybe Colin) will be moving her to her new apartment.

I'm really tired now, so I'm going to get to bed.


(No Subject)

Well, I decided not to take the place in the duplex I mentioned on Sunday. The room I was going to get was pretty big, though I'm not too sure about moving in with someone I don't know that well. He also has 4 cats. One cat may have been ok, but I think having four in place is not the greatest, plus I think it would be better if Colin and I get a place or I find a one bedroom for myself. This event, though, really got my parents' attention. They know now that I'm pretty serious about moving, and amazingly they are somewhat supportive. They are willing to subsidize part of my rent. We'll see how this goes. Colin is going to try to get a good job, but I would also like to see him go back to school as well. Both can be done at the same time.

At work the past two days I have been battling with a modem, trying to get it to work. The modem needs a little help picking up the receiver and keeping it up. In other words, it would try to dial before opening the line. Strangely, the only way I could get the thing to work would be to dial manually with another phone on the line and keep that phone off the hook, and also I had to use the Apple modem script rather than the one provided to be used with that particular modem. Crazy stuff, but I convinced them that the needed to buy an new modem. I hate modems problems with a passion, even more than printer problems.

Anyway, I have an Access database to create and populate for class tomorrow, so I should get back to work.
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