(No Subject)

Wednesday was nice. I worked some more on the scholarship stuff and went to church. The food there was awesome. The guest pastor had a really good message about asking questions about faith. Why people don't like to ask questions, especially for those who believe. Very good.

After church Colin and I went to check out Adrienne's new apartment. She lured us there to help carry a few things in. The place is nice, one bedroom. After that, Colin and I hung out at UDCC. We listened to most of John Edward's speech at the DNC and I worked some more on scholarships.

Today has been a long day. At work we moved cubical partitions from 3rd floor Beardshire to 3rd floor Curtiss. That took most of the afternoon. Then, right after work I went to help Adrienne with her move, doing some more heavy lifting. After that, I took a shower, grabbed some Wendy's and went to the municipal concert with Adrienne, Colin, Nick, Maggie, and Katherine.

Tomorrow I have my advisor appointment, and I don't know what I'm doing Friday night. Today felt like Friday. If anyone wants to do anything, give me a call.

Good Night.


John....Thanks again for helping me! The place is slowing getting put together! :) You'll have to see it when it is clean with no boxes in it!
I hope that you had a good day working on your project! :)
