It's MY Money!

So, I got my credit card bill yesterday. On it was a $30 late charge and $1.90 in interest added on top of an unpaid balance of $98.34. I know I pay off my card completely every month, so this really threw me. I went back in my records to see what was up. My previous statement was torn off, there was a carbon copy of the check in my checkbook, though the check had not passed through my bank. I'm thinking the check got lost in the mail. I'll call the credit card provider tomorrow at work to see if I can convince them to take away that charge. I'm sure they really like not earning interest on me and would be willing to help a good client out. What is it with banks taking my money lately. First it was an ATM machine taking $20 (which I recovered) and now the post has lost my payment.


And this, my friend, is why the only bill I pay by check is the electric bill.

"Anonymous Coward Nick on Thursday, November 18, '04 12:09 AM

And this, my friend, is why the only bill I pay by check is the electric bill."

I pay all my bills by check and over the years haven't had anything like this come up in over 3 some years.