Break has arrived

So, what has happened this week? A lot has happened. Monday and Tuesday nights were devoted to the crappy TransLog project. Wednesday night was TransLog project again, skipping most of FUG, then going to church to relax.

Wednesday service really has done good things for me. Thanks for getting me involved Meri. Next week there will be no Wednesday service because there will be no students. Also, I will be volunteering at the concession stand at the football game on Saturday the 27th since nobody is in town to do it. Hopefully Colin will be able to do it was well.

Thursday I went into work at 8:00 AM with the expectation that we were going to show off a computer set up to the dean, but Tom was mistaken, so I just stayed at work until class at 3:30. Since things were already set up, I was able to use the 20" Apple LCD display all day with my PowerBook. Oh DROOL. That, indeed, was a good day for computing.

The officer's meeting was highly productive. We got an advertising strategy for the programming contest and Film Festival done. We all have a bit of work to do on it before winter break. The LAN-FEST will be Friday, December 3rd in the UDCC conference room starting at 7:00 PM. Tuesday, November 30th will be the programming tutorial by Colin. Lots of stuff.

After the meeting I picked up Colin to go to surprise Jen (nerdig's GF) for her birthday. We had cake and watched Road Trip. I didn't get home until 1:00 AM, sleep at 2:00.

Friday was a really long day. I can't believe I'm still up right now writing this, it has been such a long day. Though, talking to Gaila online makes it worth it.

8:00 AM. Take computer system up to dean's office for evaluation. Talk to dean about the coolness of the system to help her feel comfortable with the decision to purchase a similar system. The setup did most of the talking anyway. Fix AccessPlus problem for dean's secretary. Run across campus to Carver Co-Lab to pickup computer. Backup, restore, and install software from old computer to new computer while figuring out file sharing problem from budget and finance without Tom or Chris. Return computers to Carver Co-Lab, setup and run though how to use the new system for the user. Lunch at 2:30. Setup Mac using dean computers and users for new file server and password use. 3:30 first time in the day to actually take a break. Get home 5:30 (feels like 11 or 12). Order pizza, take a nap. Wake up with pizza, then for some reason I had to talk online with Gaila until now, even when I'm so tired. At least I can sleep in really late tomorrow.

I don't know what's going on next week. I'll be working all day Monday and Tuesday. I'm taking Wednesday off because I have been working so much the past two days, so I need my hours to even out. Tom wants me to work on a quick project for the users over the holidays. An online recipe submission and search program.

Anyway, it's late and this is a long entry. Good Night.


You're welcome. I'm really thankful that you (and Colin too) came and stayed involved. It was neat to watch you guys become part of the community there (something I was simultaneously experiencing). You've probably had an impact too on the lives you've touched through the church.

Maybe I can help with the concession stand. I have to work for extension Saturday morning anyway. I'll think about it and maybe e-mail Fritz. If there was an e-mail w/ the info, could you forward it to me? Thanks!