Is it over yet?

I have a spare minute here between finals. As of now, I have the worst of my tests done and over with. TransLog was a lot easier than I expected. It only took me 20 minutes. Accounting was a challenge, but I feel I did my average on it.

Last night I went to bed around 11:00. I planned on getting up at 5, but ended up at 6. The idea for getting up so early was so that I could study for my Histroy final at 9:45. I feel I did ok on it, but hand and neck are really cramped.

I still have Psychology (unit test) and Econ (extra credit AP test and a shorter final :)) left for tests. I still don't have that History paper done yet. I plan on going to the library after my Psych test to grab a bunch of resources, research tonight and most of Wednesday and write the paper Thursday afternoon when I have time at work.

Friday night I hung out at Adrienne's place for game night. I went to church Sunday and went to Applebees with people afterwards. Everything else since Friday has been school related.

Thursday night I get to see Gaila! Since Friday night we haven't talked much. I have been really busy, and I miss her.

I hope everyone is doing well. Back to studying and perhaps some lunch.


It is almost over...Good Luck on the paper...Call if you need any help! :)