Got up early for nothing

Bah! I hate the campus bureaucracy. To get a Daily ad to run, campus orgs need to request the service and get a quote, fill out an intramural form, have it signed by the Treasurer, Faculty Advisor, and get approved by the campus organizations accounting office. Problem is, our treasurer is out on internship this semester, but I got the form faxed in with his signature, but today the faculty advisor is out sick (like usual if the temperature isn't between 68 and 72 degrees outside with 50% humidity and a light breeze). So, we were running on a short deadline to run our ad on Wednesday. We needed to get the intramural in by 9:00 AM this morning. Now I have to wait until Tom is no longer sick to get it in a soon as possible. Grrr! I got up and into work at 7:45 this morning for nothing!

Anyway, I suppose you really like hearing my ranting so I'll let you know what happened since my last post.

I had to make an adjustment to my schedule. I dropped CRP 270 for two reasons. I was not liking the class (it felt more like a literature class than something to do with cities) and I'm retaking Econ again. It really annoys me that I'm not getting a high enough GPA in the foundation classes. If it doesn't work out this semester I will just get myself a management degree and do all my computer work in my spare time or take some programming classes audit if that's possible.

I spent the majority of the weekend with Gaila online, about 3 hours on the phone Friday. We are thinking about having some of the high school gang over to my place on the 29th to celebrate Gaila's birthday which is on the 1st. We'll probably send out an email later with details.

Take Care


Oooh, that sounds like fun. I leave for LA the 31st, so it'll be nice to have some fun in the middle of my packing. Keep us updated!