I'm Back

Finally, after a week of not having a web site, bobbis.net is back. So is the AssignmentTracker Project page.

So, what has happened the past couple weeks? Wednesday the 26th was ClubFest. We had an iMac G5 there and were overpowered by the Latin dance club showing their stuff. I was really late for church and entered during the last song, but it was still worth it to go. Friday, Gaila arrived in town. We watched Some Like it Hot at the MU. Saturday, Colin was the only one to show up for the "party" (other than Gaila of course). We played around with a 1,000 piece Lego set that Gaila had bought (Pictures to come soon!), and watched I, Robot. Sunday, Gaila and I mostly hung out at her place until she had to leave again.

This week was pretty normal. I got the Scholarship pages up and running. I've been in a good mood since Wednesday, I don't know why, but I won't complain :). Thursday was MUG night. I showed off the Mac mini and iPod Shuffle. Friday, I finally got this site restored, and had to wait for frickin' ever for the DNS change to take effect. Gaila also showed up Friday before we head out for Meri's today for the Meridian show.

So, that's about it. Please let me know if you have any problems with my web site, and I will fix things when I have time. I still need to work on gettng the photo gallery working again.



just a little thing i've noticed today...the quote and apostrophe symbols(" and ') in the quotes are showing up as question marks instead of the appropriate punctuation marks.