Spring break!!

Some of you may have noticed I haven't posted much last week. Last week was Gaila's spring break, and a good chunk of my free time was spent with her as a result. I guess I'll try to highlight what has happened, and advanced apologies for the long post.

Monday night GSB pulled $900 from our budget for next year. We lost our banner (not really a surprise), then we lost our Student and Select memberships for ADC. The meeting was supposed to happen at 7:30, but ended up being at 9:00 because they were so far behind going through a bunch of groups to cut budgets. Oh well, I was, and still am, a little hesitant about dealing with the Select membership.

Tuesday, I found a little paper in the MUG's mailbox mentioning a group that is giving money to other groups to create entertaining student events during the month of April, sort of a way to do something in the absence of VEISHEA. I filed a couple proposals Friday night for a few thousand dollars for both Film Festival and LAN-FEST. Hopefully things will turn out well for that. That night, after my Finance test, I went out to Boone to catch up with Gaila and her dad (hi Mr. Edwards) for bridge at the senior center. I really have no clue how to play the game, and am really not incredibly interested either.

Wednesday was lots of fun. Gaila got to come to a FUG meeting and listen in to our interesting conversations, afterwards she came to church with me. I have to say church was one of the most entertaining times of church I've had there. During Eucharist, someone in the circle found a bug crawling around, and decided to smash it. When he did this he said, "The bug of Christ, smashed for you." That just got everyone laughing so much and made Fritz almost mess up the ending prayer.

Thursday night was MUG officer's meeting. I suppose, our next meeting the Thursday after break will be something developer related. Perhaps Colin doing to Cocoa workshop again, since Wednesday nights are terrible times for spontaneous events.

Friday was time to go down to Ottumwa with Gaila and her mom to meet her mom's side of the family for the weekend. After school, I packed up and headed out to Gaila's place for dinner. As were were just about to load the car, we notice a rather large fire down the road (this is a rural house). We went down to investigate and found that there was an uncontrolled ditch fire going on the opposite side of the road. Gaila called the fire department on my cell phone and they came to put it out. The fire got to within 1/10 of a mile of the house, so we decided to stay until it was out.

Saturday, me, Gaila, her mom, Bob and Marty went into town to the new Goodwill and then to Target and a quick stop off to an ice cream place to pick up some ice cream. Gaila's grandma made some wheat bread and some beef stew, both very good. That night I ended up with a headache.

This morning, I really wasn't feeling well in the stomach, but, Gaila cured me not to much longer after she got up. Most of the day was pretty much spent lazing around until going to another relative's house (I forget who, but I know the face) for a hearty lunch of Turkey, stuffing, corn, homemade rolls, fruit salad. mmmm. After lunch we headed out for Ames. Got back to Gaila's house, packed her up and Gaila and I had dinner at Wendy's before parting ways and I head home to relax, watch West Wing and write in my blog.

So, it has been a busy, and interesting week. Next week I plan to do some apartment hunting with Colin and Mel. I will be working mostly full-time during break, with the exception of some apartment hunting and possibly skipping out early on Friday to head up to Sound Dakota to spend the end of my spring break. Tuesday will be some sort of dinner party over at Adrienne's.

For most people, spring break is a time to have fun. Perhaps go somewhere warm and sunny. Though I will be working and getting things done... or at least thinking about that stuff.

Anyway, I've got work tomorrow. I hope everyone has(or had or will have) a good spring break.


lunch was at Karen and Daryle's house, and it was bob not bill that went with us shopping...bill's the uncle that just moved to indiana from michigan recently and so wasn't around this weekend. :P

g'night hon

Corrected :) I'm really bad with names.

Interesting conversations, eh? Interesting to whom? ;)

Topics can range from the concept of a DAMN (Durgable Area Metropolitan Network) to the New York City Brain Bank, to the KURE scavenger hunt. I guess there are sometimes a mention of OSS stuff.

...or the directions on how to make EMP Bombs :-) lol just interesting the random topics that come up at FUG.