Where did Spring Break Go?

Man, last week kind of sucked for being spring break and everything. Well, I guess the weekends were good. But the Monday through Thursday of the week sucked because I worked full-time on a project I really didn't care too much about. I had to make a web form that made web forms, and make it so anyone can edit the form once it's created. Yay!

Monday was okay, started on the project and went home to work on a little programming project of my own and catch up on the Simpsons.

Tuesday was more work, and then dinner at Adrienne's with Colin, Ben V. and his wife. After dinner Colin, Adrienne and I watched the Incredables which Colin went out the pick-up.

Wednesday was another day of work. Then the FUG meeting at the Ames Library. We ended up projecting on the huge screen in the auditorium. I think I have a picture of it, but my batteries died real soon after, so I can't tell if the picture took or not, and I can't retrieve it until I get new batteries in there. This reminds me that I need some rechargeable AA batteries.

Thursday I ended up working late and not looking at apartments. Once I got off work, it was time to pack for a good weekend up in South Dakota.

I left for SD Friday morning around 11:30 or so. Gas prices jumped again, now to $2.05 when I left. Perfect. The weather was cooperative for me, though just one hour north of where I was got a foot of snow. All I had to drive through were a few flurries. Adrienne, though, was not as lucky with her trip to Minneapolis. She ended up calling me after I arrived advising me that I shouldn't be going, but it was too late. That night there was some sort of dance at the Bistro on campus.

Saturday we went to Wal-Mart after getting brunch. The Wal-Mart in Yankton is moving to a new supercenter so there was a lot of stuff on clearance. I also got the Incredibles on DVD to watch that night. At 10:00 we went to listen to folk artists from NJ, Michelle Citrin. She was pretty good, and comical at times with the singing old guy doll crapping batteries.

Sunday was food and travel. I have to say, the Fryin' Pan in Yankton has this really good desert call a Hot Fudge Cake that is just perfect for two people to eat, and is very very good.

Anyway, I need to get myself going for the week, and the rest of the semester. There is a lot of stuff to be done. Gaila will be in town Wednesday night for the rest of the week because she gets this special break for Easter.


Yeah...It only took Katie and I 6 and a half hours..when it should have only took 3 and a half...Oh well... :-) I'm glad that you got there safely! :)

I'm glad you made it safely as well.