Frickin long day

Today has been very very long.

I was on campus by 8:00 to polish the budget for LANFEST and have a meeting in the office of the vice president of student affairs to approve the budget. That went rather well. I then had Marketing at 10:00 where the instructor almost made a mandatory assignment out of making at least 3 people sign up to . After the class voiced their opinion about the ethics of such an assignment, she turned it into extra credit. After class I spent an hour at work, organizing for Film Festival tonight. At 12:00 I went to the hub to meet up with people from FUG to go to the Stomping Grounds Cafe for a lunch meeting about the fate of AmesFUG the campus org. After that it was time for speech class where everyone had to give a 2 minute impromptu speech. After speech was Philosophy where I spent more time preparing for Film Festival. Up until this point my day was going very good and I was happy with the way things were going.

Right at the end of class (4:00 PM) I ran across campus to Friley to meet with people from the residence hall about getting a room for LANFEST after 11:00 PM. The person I talked to was really not very pleasant and outright denied us access to the facility that we were planning on having LANFEST. This prompted me to run over to the Union to see what other options I would have. Right now it seems that the Maple Willow Larch conference rooms may be the facility. I will be calling scheduling to see if they have any more ideas then I guess we will be stuck with MWL.

At about 5:00 it was about time that nothing more could be done about procuring a room. So, I grabbed a subway for dinner and went back to the office to prepare more for the Film Festival Presentation. I left for the presentation at 6:00 only to find out that a test was scheduled for the room from 6:30 to 7:30. Brandon (my VP) and I had to quickly figure out how to handle the situation. Since everything was closed and we didn't want to take over a different room that would have been already scheduled for 7:00 and that people knew the event was going to be in Marston, we decided to put up a sign and wait for the test to get out. We got the room at 7:30 and did the presentation. There was a good number of people there, and I think we were lucky that the event went as well as it did.

After the Film Festival the MUG officers stayed around to help out this older couple who wanted help with their computers and Colin and I almost missed church because of it.

Looking at the time stamp on my parking ticket for the ramp I was on campus for over 14 hours, and I don't believe I had much of a break all day. Luckily the parking ramp booth was closed when I left, so I didn't have to pay for parking :D.

Anyway, that was my day. Good night.

PS: Pardon if some of what I have said doesn't make any sense, I'm really tired and didn't want to even read what I wrote.

PPS: I miss you Gaila.


makes sense to me...and i miss you too ({)(K)(})