It's Finally Over!

Well, LANFEST is finally over. All that is left is to return equipment on Monday, send thank-yous, fill out evaluation, and box up the office space. I know I haven't been posting very much lately. I have been very busy the past few weeks attempting to pull off this event, so I guess I'll have to go though some of the details.

Well, I would say LANFEST was a success giving the amount of time we had to organize and advertise. The most difficult part was to find a place that would let us occupy a space after 11 PM or midnight. The other problem was power capabilities, and the last concern was food. We ended up in the Farm Bureau Pavilion, which I didn't even know existed until that Monday afternoon. Hopefully Brandon will get pictures of the event posted soon. It was rather interesting loading up my parent's van with 3 20" iMacs, a dual 2.5 G5, a 23" Studio Display, a 20" Studio Display, 3 sounds systems, 2 projectors, 3 screens, 1 dual 1 Ghz G4, 17" Dell LCD, and other assorted pieces of equipment. According to the Apple Education store, that was $12,000 worth of new Apple equipment alone.

I didn't get home until around 5:00 AM Saturday morning. At that time I could see the sun was threatening to rise on the horizon. I got up at 2:00 PM in time to go to the FUG picnic until around 6:00. I went right back to sleep as soon as I got back, and slept until about 10:00 when I called Gaila and we had our usual 2 hour phone conversation (I need to get a calling card so I don't go over cell phone minutes). So, now it's about mid day for me at 2:30 AM. This is really going to mess with my sleeping pattern this week.

On top of taking care of LANFEST, my mom went into the hospital on Tuesday for pneumonia. I didn't learn about this until a few hours after my last post, and I've only really told Gaila about it. They say she is most likely going to be fine. She had been sick coughing for a while and decided that it was time to go see a doctor about it. I was able to visit her on Wednesday for a while and Dad and I will be going in on Sunday.

Now that LANFEST is pretty much over with, I will be able to relax a bit, find an apartment, and worry about finals. I can also pay more attention to work and friends, and let you know what's happening here more often. In less than two weeks, school will be over and Gaila and I will be able to see each other again after being apart for way too long. Though, since I won't be as busy, the time will pass by much slower than it has been.

Anyway, It's getting late, and I really should at least attempt to move my self to the non nocturnal sleep cycle I seem to have gotten myself on, so I won't be dragging next week.



"when I called Gaila and we had our usual 2 hour phone conversation (I need to get a calling card so I don't go over cell phone minutes)."

You know I seem to remember reading up on something, that could help you with this but
I *cough*
don't *cough*
remember *cough*
what it's called *cough*

I hope that your mom is doing okay, first and foremost.

When do you talk, I mean couldn't you wait until after 9 so it is free, or talk for a couple of mintues during the peak hours, and then keep the long talks for the weekend?

Or do what Michael and I do...Talk over the computer, it's cheap. :)

Later! :)