
Ok, so I've decided about what to do about this StarWars marathon. Since this is a nice holiday weekend I have decided to split it up into two days. Here is the schedule I see for happening this weekend.

Noon: Meet at my house (don't know where it is, contact me) for Episode I and II
5:00: Dinner of sorts after movies are over.
6:30: Episode III at Movies 12

2:00 PM: Meet at my house for Episode IV, V, and VI. Order pizza or something for dinner.
If you wish to participate please post a comment here. You don't have to be around for everything, come and go as you please. It also might be a good idea to purchase the tickets in advance. I figure this can be done Sunday morning. I suppose I can just let people purchase their own tickets on their way in to my place since it's kind of on the way.


I'll be there for it all (of course).

Idk im a little bit mixed, 6:30 might a little bit early for me. Im on call through Sunday and I don't know when the calls will stop, as they generally seem to stop around 5-6ish. Im just hoping today is an indicator of how busy we'll be as (im looking at our log today) we don't have hardly any calls.

Generally were supposed to come in at 11AM and start our Ophan Collection which takes a couple hours, but I think i'll come in a couple hours early and try and get it out of the way then head over to your place later (propably 1 or 2ish about in time for episode II) and just hook up to our VPN there assuming not much is going on that day.

Im on call Monday night as well so I could come early in the afternoon but i'll have to leave a little bit after 5pm.