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Wow, long day again. I picked up a computer this morning at 8:00 AM and started rebuilding it. I also updated Eudora on all the Macs in the building. Then near the end of the day I found that the entire computer did not get backed up, so I ended up missing some preferences and a few photo files. I'm glad the person that it happened to is a really nice guy. This is the first time I have made a mistake that resulted in the loss of data. It was bound to happen sometime, and I think this one time in 3 years is not bad. Considering I have rebuild, in my estimates, around 50 computers. 98% success rate isn't bad.

Tonight Mel picked me up from campus and we went out for food and caught Ben's concert. I tried to get Meri and Colin to come along, but Meri was busy with teacher stuff, and Colin had a Bethesda photo thing at the same time.

Tomorrow is Friday. I really don't know where this week went. I can barely remember what I actually did all week. Monday is a total blank in my mind. Tomorrow is LANFEST for MUG. That starts at 7:00 and will probably last me until 3:30 AM. Saturday there is talk again about bowling, or at least doing something with the ULC group before finals come about. I wonder what ULC will be like in the summer and weather or not it would be worth it to go on Wednesdays. I go for the people rather than the service.

My brother got the job at Auburn, NY. It pays twice as much as his current internship in North Carolina. It turns out that I only have 3 full weeks without class over the summer, so I will not be able to visit him :( .

Time for bed. It has been a long day and I need to keep up with the resting so I can have enough energy to get though finals.


First Post! Just kidding! Yeah I wish I could have come, I was thinking the photo shoot would be earlier in the day and that it wouldn't take nearly as long as it did. I wanted to come, but getting there after everything just wouldn't have been worth it.

I personally have not lost any data in my years thankfully. Im glad i did my research on windows and insisted that whatever computer I work on that has windows is always formatted with the NTFS File System instead of FAT. On my Macs im never worried about losing data except about 1 time each year or so when I decide to do a clean install for a new version of Mac OS X.

LAN-FEST sounds like it's going to be awesome! Im also glad I have an Airport Extreme(802.11g) card and a ATi Radeon 9600 on my PowerBook instead of a big PowerMac G4 to lug around. BTW im curious do you know if John Shier got Apple to allow the extention of the loan of their Dual 2Ghz PowerMac G5? Hopefully we'll have a lot of fun and I can get Windows & Linux updated and an even bigger longshot would be to get Mono working on Fedora Core one in the spare time I have there... again thats a LOOOOONG SHOT. Anyway heres to tomorrow @ LAN-FEST!

The G5 was due at Drake by Monday, so Stan took it away from us :(. Also, don't forget to bring network cable. Wired is 100 times better than wireless.