(No Subject)

I just got an email from Apple accepting my application to WWDC (Developer's conference in San Francisco). I now have a dilemma. Weather or not to go to WWDC and drop my Stat 226 class, keep going with Stat 226 and not go to WWDC, or try to take a week off of stat to go to WWDC. WWDC falls during the second to last week of stat class. I have until the 7th to make up my mind and see if I can change classes. This is a very good opportunity. Though, I would like to learn Cocoa before going, but that could be something that I could learn in my spare time during the first part of the summer. I have to think about this and ask for advice.


Thats a tough situation, i'd love to go to WWDC but if it really conflicts with a class you really need at a bad time then I'd think about not going. You still do have more chances to go to WWDC after all, you got in without having a application under development to, so you could probably get in sometime in the future.

It's too bad though that you have this conflict - well good luck!