(No Subject)

Wow, what a good couple days it has been. I finished my econ final, got $216 back from the books I neglected to turn back in over the past few semesters. Cashed my coins, got my oil changed, my car washed, my hair cut, bought new shoes, and helped Meri clean out her grandmother's basement in preparation for the get-together on Saturday. I got everything I planed on getting done Friday done, and them some. I also stopped at work for a few minutes and finished up a computer that I was not expecting to get done until Monday. After cleaning the basement, Colin, Meri, and I headed over to Adrienne's for the games. Colin and I stayed there 'til around 1:00 or so. Friday was a really productive day.

Today, I slept in 'til around 2:00ish. Ate breakfast, watched a storm, and went to Meri's grandmother's to hang out there with Colin, Walter, Gaila, and for a brief time Nick and Maggie. Her basement turned into a nice hang out place after we cleaned it up a bit. Thanks Meri for hosting and not letting me think I had to bring it to my place. Because of the storms, having it at my place probably would have failed.

The storms today were nice, I like watching storms. Though, I just got my car washed, and the next day tree debris ends up on my car. Also, I guess the wax or whatever they put on as part of the free car wash caused a nice film to appear on my windshield causing lots of glare during my drive back home tonight.

Tomorrow, I once again plan on sleeping in and then I suppose I will clean up the basement, watch an episode of Enterprise and maybe start working on learning Cocoa. I will write up a list of some of my summer goals so that I have a record of what I want to accomplish.

It's late, and I am the only one left on IM, so I'm going to go to bed.


You're welcome. Thank you for coming!