(No Subject)

Apparently, today is the Iowa primaries. Meri let me know by her MSN name. She and I discussed the election. As I was looking up information so that I could possibly make an educated decision when voting, I realized something. There are barely any choices on the ballot. Also, there is really no place to get information about the candidates. Looking up the incumbents and polling place here, I realized I barely knew who most of these people are. A few of the names ring a bell, but I have no clue what they sand for. Between the lack of choice for some of the positions, and the lack of information about the candidates, I can not make an informed decision. I don't want to be voting for someone that does not represent my best interests and I don't want to be voting along party lines. I want someone I think will be best for the job. If I don't have much of a choice between candidates and I don't have much information about these people's positions I can't make a decision that I can be confident in.

In other news, I really like the new cart we got for our office. I moved someone's computer and two huge laser printers from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor in one trip, without breaking my back. Also, I got a copy of some Lewis Black stand-up from one of our other users. I know a few of you love his stuff. I did.

It's time for me to go home.


Hi Jason,

I agree with you on the candidates for the election. I have no idea either what they stand for, the only one I'm most familiar with is Bush and I definitely will not vote for him. The war alone is reason enough. I have family members and friends in the armed forces and that is some horrible stuff that our troops are going throuhg, it's unbelievable. I don't believe at all that shpill about fighting to protect our country. Anyway, I definitely want to get more informed about the other candidates.

My name is John. My brother's name is Jason. I do not know how you through I was a Jason unless you came here though my brother's website. Thanks for the comment.