
Yeah, I'm 21

Ok, so I'm 21 now. Back to my studies. Having a birthday so close to finals really sucks. I'm thinking I might just skip out on going out after church on Wednesday. I have a huge paper due in History that I still haven't started on.

If you want to know what has been happening the past weekend check out Gaila's Blog as we spent pretty much the entire weekend together.

Good Night.


This is a timestamp for the time I got home after lanfest. Gaila is going to call me at 11:00 so we can do stuff before going to see Mel.

Good Night er morning.

Finishing up the Semester


What Office Space character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Funny, I never really saw myself as identifying with that person.

Anyway, an update to my week:

I really forget what happened when. Tuesday feels like it was almost a month ago. This week has been so long.

Tuesday was Colin's developer presentation. At about 4:45 I stopped by Mol. Bio. to pick up their projector for the presentation, only to find that it was already checked out. I was really lucky to be able to pick one up across the street at ITC within 5 minutes of them closing. I was actually surprised that a few people showed up. One was really interested in learning Cocoa.

Later that night I got my accounting homework handed in with seconds to spare on the deadline for WebCT, and the following morning I was working on my Econ homework during History right before I was to hand it in at the beginning of Econ immediately after class. I have been doing stuff really close to the wire lately, and it can be a little stressful.

Church was a nice opportunity to relax as always. I think I'll be going with some friends to the bar after church next week. I probably won't drink much, just going to hang out for no more than an hour and go home. My 21st is next Tuesday!

Last night was the games demo in Desing 101. The setting there was really cool. There weren't too many power plugs around the auditorium, but I guess that's ok since it's not really meant for people to be plugging in all over the place. The screen was huge, though for film festival we should bring some rags and windex to clean the window between the projector and the screen.

Today, I kept myself faily busy with work. I solved a Final Cut Express problem where it wouldn't launch. Then the new dial-in server died, and I narrowed down the problem enough to dish it off to someone else to take care of later.

Also of interest this week: I recovered access to via several e-mail to and from India, and a FAX. Then I had a heck of the scheduling conflict for finals. As of right now here is my tentative schedule for the week of December 13th:

I'm looking forward to LAN-FEST tonight and going down to Indianola with Gaila tomorrow.

Have a good weekend.

Holiday Briefing

So, I have been asked many times how my holiday was. Usually when people ask how I'm doing, I usually just tell them to read my blog. Lately I have been fairly busy with other stuff to actually get around to updating my blog. So, now that I have some time here at work, I can finally do this.

So, I left off last time at the end of Thanksgiving day. Friday I lazed around some more and watched some movies. Saturday was quite the day. I picked up Gaila at 10:30 or so and headed over to church for working at the concession stand at the football game. It was really cold, but over time, I sort of got used to it. Hot chocolate was the real big item. Most of my time was spent putting lids on hot chocolate and passing them out to the registers while Tyler filled the cups. It was like a little assembly line.

After the game, Gaila and I headed over to my place to warm up and relax a bit until we went to Nick and Maggie's for the get together. We were a little late because 1. we forgot our stack of DVDs to bring (which we ended up on using), and 2. had to find the place. There are a lot of apartments in the Lincoln Swing area, but now I know. We watched Shrek 2, ate pizza (reminds me I still owe Nick $5), played Mario Kart on the GameClube, and You Don't Know Jack. Somehow, most of us ended up getting really tired around midnight, so that's when the party ended. I took Gaila home and said goodbye for the week. Nick has a nice picture of me, Gaila, and Mel on the couch that needs to be published somewhere, just so we don't forget.

Sunday was when break ended :-(. The TransLog group project was due Monday, and we had to get it done. Though the only people who actually worked on the the project that Sunday was me and Brian, out of 5 people in the group. We spent the time between 3:00 PM to 11:30 PM working on it with a 1 hour break for dinner. I am so freaking glad that the project is over with. Now I have to start work on my 15 page paper for History.

Tonight is the programming class Colin is teaching at 7:00 in 1340 Molecular Biology Building. Anyone is invited to attend. I'm looking forward to getting a start on Cocoa programming, but I have a feeling that people (including myself) are too swamped with work until the end of the semester to really put much effort into this. I hope turn out turns out okay.

Wednesday will be nice to have church again. I missed not having church last week.

Thursday night is the games demo in 101 Design at 7:00. Then Friday night at 7:00 in the UDCC conference room we will be having our LANFEST until probably 3 AM. Saturday, Gaila will be coming down so we can go see Torjan Women with Mel at Simpson.

Sunday will probably be devoted to studies and the following week is dead week followed by Finals. It's going to be a busy rest of the year until finals are over. I look forward to the semester coming to an end and a nice long break to begin.

Happy Thanksgiving

Yeah, so it has been a while since I've updated my blog again. Things have been going great. I forget what exactly I did on Monday and Tuesday at work. I know that I got the Plant Science people squared away with their computers, and I got the recipe thing done. I didn't realize it was to be in memory of Cindy Hansen, one of our administrative assistants we lost a few weeks ago. I only really spent 3 or 4 hours straight on this project. All I remember from work this week is that it was a long two days.

Break didn't really start until Monday evening when Gaila came by. We hung out in my basement watching a couple of DVDs. Tuesday, we went to see the Incredibles then back to my place to watch more DVDs. Wednesday, we were planning on going ice skating, but they close too early for when we wanted to get up. We ended up watching more movies until her mom came to take her down to the family gathering in Ottumwa. Later that night I went over to Adrienne's with Colin to watch some movies.

Today has been a lazy day. I made french toast and eggs, dad made the bacon for breakfast. I Worked on holiday shopping for my 'rents, at their request, via and It's not fun when I actually order the gifts I will receive. Though, shopping has reminded me of some other stuff that I would like, and thus my wishlist entry has been updated.

We didn't do anything with the extended family this year. Between dad's detached retina (Sorry, I didn't mention that earlier. I had to take him to Des Moines Sunday morning at 8:00 AM for surgery to fix it, he's doing ok, but has to take it easy), and mom not really in the mood for travel, we decided that it would be best just for use to do our own thing. I liked it. It was relaxing.

It doesn't feel like it's past 11:00. I'm going to watch West Wing now. I hope you have/had a nice holiday.

The birthday/holiday wishlist

Tis the season to be a greedy college student. The following is a list of items that I would appreciate as gifts. Most of these are probably out of price range, but one can dream. This is mainly intended for the 'rents so they can have easy clickable access to what I want.

This is really all that I can think of at the moment. The list will probably grow.

Break has arrived

So, what has happened this week? A lot has happened. Monday and Tuesday nights were devoted to the crappy TransLog project. Wednesday night was TransLog project again, skipping most of FUG, then going to church to relax.

Wednesday service really has done good things for me. Thanks for getting me involved Meri. Next week there will be no Wednesday service because there will be no students. Also, I will be volunteering at the concession stand at the football game on Saturday the 27th since nobody is in town to do it. Hopefully Colin will be able to do it was well.

Thursday I went into work at 8:00 AM with the expectation that we were going to show off a computer set up to the dean, but Tom was mistaken, so I just stayed at work until class at 3:30. Since things were already set up, I was able to use the 20" Apple LCD display all day with my PowerBook. Oh DROOL. That, indeed, was a good day for computing.

The officer's meeting was highly productive. We got an advertising strategy for the programming contest and Film Festival done. We all have a bit of work to do on it before winter break. The LAN-FEST will be Friday, December 3rd in the UDCC conference room starting at 7:00 PM. Tuesday, November 30th will be the programming tutorial by Colin. Lots of stuff.

After the meeting I picked up Colin to go to surprise Jen (nerdig's GF) for her birthday. We had cake and watched Road Trip. I didn't get home until 1:00 AM, sleep at 2:00.

Friday was a really long day. I can't believe I'm still up right now writing this, it has been such a long day. Though, talking to Gaila online makes it worth it.

8:00 AM. Take computer system up to dean's office for evaluation. Talk to dean about the coolness of the system to help her feel comfortable with the decision to purchase a similar system. The setup did most of the talking anyway. Fix AccessPlus problem for dean's secretary. Run across campus to Carver Co-Lab to pickup computer. Backup, restore, and install software from old computer to new computer while figuring out file sharing problem from budget and finance without Tom or Chris. Return computers to Carver Co-Lab, setup and run though how to use the new system for the user. Lunch at 2:30. Setup Mac using dean computers and users for new file server and password use. 3:30 first time in the day to actually take a break. Get home 5:30 (feels like 11 or 12). Order pizza, take a nap. Wake up with pizza, then for some reason I had to talk online with Gaila until now, even when I'm so tired. At least I can sleep in really late tomorrow.

I don't know what's going on next week. I'll be working all day Monday and Tuesday. I'm taking Wednesday off because I have been working so much the past two days, so I need my hours to even out. Tom wants me to work on a quick project for the users over the holidays. An online recipe submission and search program.

Anyway, it's late and this is a long entry. Good Night.

It's MY Money!

So, I got my credit card bill yesterday. On it was a $30 late charge and $1.90 in interest added on top of an unpaid balance of $98.34. I know I pay off my card completely every month, so this really threw me. I went back in my records to see what was up. My previous statement was torn off, there was a carbon copy of the check in my checkbook, though the check had not passed through my bank. I'm thinking the check got lost in the mail. I'll call the credit card provider tomorrow at work to see if I can convince them to take away that charge. I'm sure they really like not earning interest on me and would be willing to help a good client out. What is it with banks taking my money lately. First it was an ATM machine taking $20 (which I recovered) and now the post has lost my payment.

Tired, but Happy

So, the stressful week ended Friday at noon. I forget what happened that afternoon at work. I left at 5:00, got my oil changed and car washed. I arrived home before 7:00, but it felt like 9 or 10. I watched Enterprise and the last 3 episodes of West Wing to catch up. I have to say that is probably one of the best shows on TV. Seconds after the last episode of West Wing ended, Gaila got online. I called her so we could finalize the plan for the weekend.

Saturday I got up and left around 12:00. IA-141 is really fun to drive between Dennison and I-29. I actually remember taking that road before, but couldn't remember when until I got to Sioux City. My brother's friend got married near Sioux City. Our family attended.

I love South Dakota driving. The interstate speed limit is 75, and the people around there have this strange habit of going 65. I had a habit of going 80 or 85 :devil smiley: .

Having an oil change does wonders on gas mileage. I toped off the tank in Ames and filled up just before Vermilion. I got 29.5 miles per gallon and only took a little over 1/4 tank.

Saturday night we ordered a pizza and watched Star Wars: A new Hope, then went to an open mic night at a cafe in Vermilion. It was nice to attend a live music event. Sort of reminds me of when I hang out with my brother in New York, except here it was folk music rather than blues/jazz. Back at the dorm we talked again until the sun came up in the morning.

In case you didn't notice, there is something between Gaila and I. We discussed it and we pretty much hooked up. We're both willing to see what happens, even though we have no clue how it will work and know it probably wont last as long as her previous relationship.

Anyway, it's time for class. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Additions to this week

Some more things to mention:

  • Econ Exam in class on Friday.
  • Research paper about the effects of Christianity and the church on the study of science and natural philosophy due at the end of the semester that I should start working on.

It has been a long day.
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